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Help Support Quotelady.com

QuoteLady.com is a labor of love from a woman who is inspired by quotations. It has been going officially on this site since 1998, but started several years before when the Quote Lady worked as a librarian on a college campus. I first began sharing quotations with my students and coworkers, then established a listserv, and finally created a Webpage. All in all, I have been doing this for nearly 20 years as a free service to the Internet community.

I depend on help from those who appreciate the quotes to pay for the server space and the Webpage. If you have found the quotes useful, there are several ways you can show your appreciation.

  1. By far the easiest way to support this site is by going back to the home page, and using the link to Amazon in the upper right hand corner, every time you shop there. I receive a small percentage of the cost of your order, at no expense to yourself.
  2. If you would prefer, you can support the page directly. I’ve set up two suggested ways. The first is a flat $3.65, which is a penny a day. The second button will allow you to input mutiples of $5.00 if you would like to give more.

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  3. You can also purchase some of the quote products, magnets, bookmarks, portable quotes, or books. Links to these are all found on the home page.
  4. Lastly, you or your company can advertise on Quotelaady.com. You can read about how to do that on the Advertising FAQ page.

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Created and maintained by quotelady@quotelady.com. All pages of this site copyright © 1998-2014.
This page last updated May 2, 2014.